

A business may have developed terrific products and put together a supremely talented management team, but success ultimately hinges on persuading significant numbers of customers.

The impact of a well framed marketing strategy on business performance cannot be underestimated. Increasingly, in a VUCA world the marketing strategy needs to be future focused, customer centric and yet incorporate agility and flexibility to ensure that it stays aligned to the business and financial goals.

Seedfire works closely with customers to define a sharp and future relevant and integrated marketing strategy for maximum impact. We provide comprehensive marketing & sales services to enable a startup create a brand and grow.


Our Strategic Marketing Framework

Positioning Strategy

Position in Market & Minds

Segmentation & Targeting

Sizeable market that most needs the product/service competitor’s positioning


Target audience needs & perceptions Assets & capabilities, weakness, threats substantiation points / differentiators


Consequence of positioning strategy

Brand Strategy

Building Emotional Connect

Brand Archetype

Brand Personality, brand essence, tone of voice

Brand Promise

Value proposition : rational & emotional

Brand Architecture

Architecture logic and guidelines

Communication Strategy

What and How to Communicate


Communication Platform & key messaging


Target Audience : decision process, Communication channels used, influencers

Optimization between ATL & BTL of maximum impact.

Social Media Strategy

channel selection & content strategy for customer acquisition and engagement

PR Strategy

image building and reputation management

We Offer

We offer end to end strategic marketing services keeping the customer at the heart of everything we do. Our approach ensures that the marketing actions result in strong mind share, generate demand and subsequently, profits.

Our spectrum of services includes:

Market and Consumer Analysis

A marketing strategy is effective only if it starts with the customer and the market. We work with you to analyze existing data, identify data gaps, gather requisite data (through primary & secondary research), and ultimately deploy our expertise in making meaning of the information by applying future focused frameworks to generate quality insights.

Market Segmentation and Target Group definition

We use our experience and creativity to create ‘mutually exclusive and collectively exhaustive’ consumer segments based on consumer insights & analysis. We then arrive at the specific segment/s that you should target, based on the size of the segment, the competitive intensity and the client’s ability to compete effectively in that segment.

The goal is to zero in on a target segment that helps you maximize profits.

Positioning Strategy

A good positioning strategy emphasizes the product’s differentiated benefits in the light of competition in a manner that attracts the target group and makes the brand their automatic choice. We craft positioning strategies based on the target group’s needs & expectations, and analyze these in the context of the Category and Competitors to identify the potential sweet spot for the brand.

We base the development of all elements of the marketing mix on the positioning strategy.

Pricing & Channel Strategy

Depending on the positioning strategy, we will recommend the most suitable pricing strategy, which could be premium/ economy/ penetration etc. Our channel strategy formulation will flow from the positioning and pricing strategy, which means that the channel choice will take into consideration the target group behavior & needs, the brand personality and the pricing strategy.

Brand Strategy

A compelling positioning strategy is not enough, a solid brand promise is required to forge an emotional connect with customers. This in turn results in a strong brand equity which is the ultimate measure of marketing effectiveness.

We help clients create intangibles around the product tangibles and translate these into enduring brand values. Based on the archetype framework, we define a brand character which can be easily deployed in a coherent and consistent manner across all communication channels.

Communication Strategy

To create demand, one must ensure that the market understands the brand promise via the right message and the right channels. We will define the key communication messages based on a deep understanding of the target audience. We will then craft a customized multichannel strategy utilizing online and/or offline marketing communications channels to target and engage with customers. The goal is to create consumer pull which will translate into sales leads.

Product Portfolio Strategy

Depending on the stage your business is in, we help you identify new opportunities, define areas of stretch for the brand and product/ brand extension opportunities. We then devise the optimal product portfolio and corresponding brand architecture.

Execution Blueprint

Our focus is to create strategies that are tailored to your business. The bridge between strategy and execution is often tenuous. We partner with you to ensure that the strategy is implemented fully.

We do this by creating detailed execution guidelines, overseeing all aspects of the execution and defining success metrics to help you track the progress and outcomes of the execution.